Harvesting Stones: A Journey Into Power

Gather stones with me

Harvesting Stones: A Journey Into Power

Gather stones with me

Harvesting Stones: A Journey Into Power

Gather stones with me

The Mistaken Gardener

Middle age is great fun. I'm constantly amused at how much time I spent during the first half of my life being ineffective. I've had heartfelt intentions, goals and plans and I've worked hard, but I've never understood a thing about simply letting life be. I know all...

Exorcising the Narcissist

Power lies beneath the layers at the center, the heart, the core. All avenues of thought, all paths of inquiry lead back to power. What is it? Who controls it? How do we manage and maintain it? Power is the fuel of life. Every relationship is rooted in power. Managing...


I read a blog post a few days ago titled 'Romance Ruins Real Love'. The post reminded me of a conversation I had with an old friend some years ago. She said her favorite part of relationship was the first weeks, when everything is romantic anticipation and excitement....




the stone wakes up
joins the chorus
sings with the frogs
all night long
under the whirling stars

–Carmine Leo