Harvesting Stones: A Journey Into Power

Gather stones with me

Harvesting Stones: A Journey Into Power

Gather stones with me

Harvesting Stones: A Journey Into Power

Gather stones with me

River of Stone

I often imagine life as a river and myself in a boat of my own making, floating on it. I don't picture a sailboat, having no experience of one, but a small boat that glides with the current and can be paddled. I don't imagine a single river, but a vast network, far...

Rules for Success

I've been blogging now for a year. I remember the first time I stood on a high diving board as a kid. The safe haven of the water was impossibly far away. I did eventually jump, but I stood, hesitating, for a long time. Beginning to blog was like that. Could I manage...

True Love

My partner and I have hired a permaculture group called the Resilience Hub out of Portland, Maine, to collaborate with us in the development of a 30-year plan for our 26 acres. Permaculture, for those of you who didn't follow the above link, is "the development of...




the stone wakes up
joins the chorus
sings with the frogs
all night long
under the whirling stars

–Carmine Leo