Harvesting Stones: A Journey Into Power

Gather stones with me

Harvesting Stones: A Journey Into Power

Gather stones with me

Harvesting Stones: A Journey Into Power

Gather stones with me

The Politics of Food: Reluctant Journey

Last week I considered several questions about the politics of food. This week I want to share a reluctant personal journey. Before going further, I want to clarify I’m not a dietician, a nutritionist, a doctor, or qualified to give any kind of diet or medical advice,...

The Politics of Food: Questions

I recently read a blog post about vegan bullying. Yep. You read that right. Vegan bullying is a thing. It’s time for me to write about food. I grew up in the 60s and 70s in a middle-class family with the standard education about the food pyramid, Food Commandments...


I read a post on resistance lately from one of my favorite writers, Sharon Blackie, and was deeply comforted. She reminded me we all have something to offer the world. Ever since reading it, I’ve been thinking about what resistance means to me, and the different forms...




the stone wakes up
joins the chorus
sings with the frogs
all night long
under the whirling stars

–Carmine Leo