Harvesting Stones: A Journey Into Power

Gather stones with me

Harvesting Stones: A Journey Into Power

Gather stones with me

Harvesting Stones: A Journey Into Power

Gather stones with me

Losing Touch

My work team and I are always on the lookout for new ways to work with our pool patrons. We look for new moves and songs for water exercise classes and new ideas for working with swim lesson kids. A few weeks ago, a team member remembered an old book she’d seen titled...

Group Decision Making, A.K.A. Politics

I’ve always said I hate politics. In hindsight, what I was really expressing was discomfort with divisiveness and conflict, lies and deceits and power games. Talking about politics feels like pinning Jello to the wall. People throw labels and jargon around. Terms are...

Once Upon a Time a Woman Walked Through the Woods …

… and she met a bear. She froze, watching it watching her, seeing the long claws, the muzzle raised to sniff the air, the marvelous deep pelt. She thought about everything she’d ever heard about dealing with bears. She stood still, attempting to convey the energy of...




the stone wakes up
joins the chorus
sings with the frogs
all night long
under the whirling stars

–Carmine Leo