Harvesting Stones: A Journey Into Power

Gather stones with me

Harvesting Stones: A Journey Into Power

Gather stones with me

Harvesting Stones: A Journey Into Power

Gather stones with me

Unplugged (Sort of)

I recently read a blog post from one of the minimalist blogs I follow about unplugging from technology for one day a week. Actually, it wasn’t that recent. It was, in fact, in August. I left the post in my Inbox and I’ve been thinking about it. Photo by Freddie...

Good and Bad

I’m in the middle of a conversation with a friend, who is a writer, about “good” and “bad.” Good and bad what, you ask? Good and bad writing. Good and bad singing. Good and bad cooking. Photo by Ben White on Unsplash The subject caught my attention because it evokes...

Apple Picking

Photo by Vanessa von Wieding on Unsplash Autumn’s smoke and flame are with us again in central Maine. The land’s lush summer garments fray and fade, withering into dusty, brittle rags of leaf, flower and stem. More than a dozen apple trees grow on our 26 acres,...




the stone wakes up
joins the chorus
sings with the frogs
all night long
under the whirling stars

–Carmine Leo